After my new mobo swap, LFS has been giving me problems. If I try and play LFS, 2 minutes after I get into a server or in single player mode, my computer shuts off and reboots. What could be going on for this? Would a bios reflash help? How about reinstalling the game?
Aha! I am having the same issue with my newly put together computer. Problem is that I dont know what is causing this and am a computer noob. I'm taking this to a computer shop soon and hopefully will get help.
Oh, BTW, about lagging, I don't get lag usually unless I'm braking...not good. Also, my sound lags horribly. When I'm braking, I hear my engine revving up and shifting I need a better graphics and sound card.
It's not bad but could do better. Most of the problems have been mentioned above but I'd like to point one other out. When you use the mouse to look around, its hard to get to center. I would also like to be able to zoom out in driver's view but that doesn't happen either. Also, its not good that you are able to go off the road and cross the forest to another road so easily. Still, it's not bad.
The profiler and LFS both are set at 900 degrees. It's been like thatsince I tried and hasnt worked still. Are there any other tips anybody can tell me?
I just got a DFP a new hours ago and am trying to get it to work. I have everything but the steering fine. I set it at 900* rotation and the steering is funny. The calibration doesn't keep still and if I lock it, I dont get steering. Also, the steering in the game goes to max while i barely made a turn on the wheel. What exactly could be an issue? I have the Wingman drivers so what sould be wrong?
Here's a pic of my settings.
hello, i just got s2 a few days ago and i want to give a voucher to my friend. im just not compoletely sure how to do this. can any of you help me and guide me through?